by Crystal Paradis | Jun 2, 2019 | Action, Featured, General Updates
For the month of June, we’re exploring BEYOND VISIBILITY This month’s theme, Beyond Visibility, was inspired by a conversation we had at last month’s Get Cozy + Creative. We were talking about the spectrum of light and vision, and how this really... by Crystal Paradis | Jun 2, 2019 | Action, Events, Featured
On Thursday, May 23rd, over 75 activists, legislators and interested community members joined together at Teatotaller in Somersworth, NH for “Tri-City Repro Justice for All” — an education and action event that brought together a coalition of partners... by Crystal Paradis | May 10, 2019 | Action
I recently wrote up this brief primer on some of the horrific laws that are being proposed and being signed into law around the country, for a secret local feminist activist Facebook group I’m a part of, and wanted to share it here for all Feminist Oasis members... by Crystal Paradis | Mar 28, 2019 | Action, Resources
We publish Action Plans to provide our members with a variety of options for advancing their feminism. Members are emailed hyperlinked versions and some are mailed a printed copy of the full Action Plan with supplemental materials. We publicly publish an abbreviated... by Crystal Paradis | Feb 11, 2019 | Action, Resources
HB 221 is a bill currently in the New Hampshire House to rename Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day. Check the status of this bill on the NH General Court Website here. Why rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day? The following texts are shared with... by Crystal Paradis | Dec 14, 2018 | Action, Resources
We publish Action Plans to provide our members with a variety of options for advancing their feminism. Members are mailed a printed copy of the full Action Plan and emailed a full version with hyperlinks. We publicly publish an abbreviated version each month so that...