Interested in collaborating or partnering with us on a future event? Here’s how we can best work together!
Feminist Oasis
In a Feminist Oasis-produced event, we take the lead on organizing, scheduling, creating and marketing the event. You can join us a key co-creator and share in both responsibilities and revenue.
What WE do:
- Act as the lead in creating the event scope and program (date, title, facilitators, etc.)
- Appoint a point person in charge of logistics
- Sign venue contracts, handle venue payment and/or trade agreement
- Create marketing materials
- Manage ticket sales
- Lead promotion efforts
- Distribute post-event revenue to partners
How YOU can be a key contributor in these events:
- Be a speaker/performer/facilitator in the program
- Serve as the event’s point person (act as main point of contact for logistics, engage natural community partners)
- Offer event goods/services (i.e.: venue, food/beverages, DJ, photography, videography, etc.) as a partner, sharing in the event’s proceeds in lieu of a set rate/fee
Profit breakdown:
- All key contributors share an equal percentage of proceeds after costs (Feminist Oasis as one partner, point person, speaker/performer/facilitator, goods/services providers each as one equal share of profits)
Feminist Oasis
In a partner event, Feminist Oasis and partner organization(s) co-create and hold an equal amount of responsibility for planning and promoting an event, and equally split event revenue.
What WE do:
- Manage ticket sales
- Distribute post-event revenue to partners
- Collaboratively determining event scope and program
- Collaboratively determining point person for logistics
- Sharing equally the responsibilities of: event organizing, program creation, stakeholder engagement, creating marketing materials, event promotion
- Equal visibility on event marketing materials and in-person at the event
Profit breakdown:
- Event proceeds after costs (venue, food, printing, etc.) are split 50/50 between Feminist Oasis and partner entity
Feminist Oasis
We are happy to show up at and help get the word out about events produced by others, when the program and organizing entities are well-aligned (see below for what we look for in our partners).
What WE can do (upon request):
- Promote the event to our members and followers
- Have a presence at the event, including tabling and/or giving relevant brief remarks
- Creating a relevant conversation (sticky note) wall for attendees to interact with and respond to a relevant query
- Bring a selection of curated materials, relevant to your event, from our Feminist Oasis Library
What YOU do:
- Organize event and handle all event logistics
- Lead marketing, including creating marketing materials
- Manage ticket sales and revenue distribution
Profit breakdown:
For an event we are helping promote, we would discuss an arrangement including some or all of the following monetary and/or in-kind benefits
- Up to 20% of event profits (may be waived as determined by other benefits)
- Our logo on event marketing materials, including print, email and social media promotions
- Space at the event to display information about Feminist Oasis membership or other upcoming Feminist Oasis events
- An opportunity during the program to speak to event attendees about who we are and what we do, as relevant to your event’s focus
- A discount for Feminist Oasis members and/or number of complimentary tickets for our members to attend the event
What we look for
- Aligned Mission — We organize to cultivate feminist community and explore feminist values in action.
- Shared Values — Learn about our values here. (Please note that all Feminist Oasis Produced and Partnership events are open to all genders to attend. If we’re coming into your event, you may choose to frame it as for a specific gender if relevant to your event’s goal, but we’d love to talk to you more about this if it is the case.)
- Shared Goals – Every event we are a part of should meet at least one of these goals:
- Lift each other up
- Learn from historical visionaries and leaders
- Challenge pervasive cultural messages
- Explore new ways of working and doing business
How we show up
- With Intention — As we explore more sustainable ways of working and doing business, we strive for integrity and alignment as we make choices about when, where and how to collaborate. We honor our feelings, assume best intentions and follow through with integrity. This intention follows through to how we encourage our community to show up at our events as well. Read more here about the discussion guidelines we encourage participants at our events to keep in mind. We find that these guidelines are critical to define when hosting conversations about systemic oppression and social justice.
- With Flexibility — While the partnership structures outlined here help set expectations in how we can best collaborate, Feminist Oasis is an exploratory initiative, and we embrace experimentation. We’re open to discussing proposed alterations or hearing your counter-proposal for what a mutually-beneficial collaboration might look like for you. We seek enthusiastic consent and will offer and accept “no” as a complete sentence if either party prefers to forgo any suggestion.
- With Clarity — A sister tenet to flexibility is clarity. Let’s make sure we’re in agreement on the major points of our collaboration or partnership before making major decisions. Before we start promoting an event, we like to clarify, at minimum, the following:
- How are we handling payment or revenue distribution?
- Who has “publish” authority on the event announcement, and should we wait for any particular confirmations or approvals before doing so?
- Are we all ready for worst-case scenarios (deadlines for cancelling events if minimum attendee/revenue minimums are not met) and best-case scenarios (capacity limits)?
How we identify
We are an experimental business, a social enterprise.
- We are not a nonprofit, but we do not exist for profit. We are a mission-driven business, a social enterprise.
- We believe that traditionally undervalued work should not be done for free. Therefore, we believe in paying our organizers, speakers and key contributors, or finding nontraditional methods of value exchange that allow all parties to flourish in a sustainable model.
- This ongoing experiment of subverting the inherent problems of capitalism while operating in a capitalist society is one of the more challenging and exciting aspects of our experiment. We welcome questions and alternative creative solutions!